Advertising, Promotions, and Marketing Classes
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Advertising, promotions, and marketing employees design a plan to generate as much interest in a product, company or service as possible. They do this by working with art directors, sales agents and financial staff members.
Advertising managers create interest among potential buyers of a product or service for a department, for an entire organization, or on a project basis. They work in advertising agencies that put together advertising campaigns for clients, in media firms that sell advertising space or time, and in organizations that advertise heavily.
Promotions managers direct programs to increase sales. These programs use advertising, such as direct mail, inserts in newspapers, Internet advertisements, in-store displays, product endorsements; and combine that with purchasing incentives, such as discounts, samples, gifts, rebates, coupons, sweepstakes, and contests.
Marketing managers calculate the demand for the products and services offered, identify potential markets for these products and develop pricing strategies for them as well.
If you are interested in more information on a career in Advertising, Promotions or Marketing, simply choose a school below and request information on financial aid, tuition costs, course offerings, and much more.

Is A Career in Advertising, Promotions, or Marketing Right For Me?
A bachelor’s degree is required for most advertising, promotions, and marketing positions. For advertising management positions, some employers prefer a bachelor’s degree in advertising or journalism. An example of the course of study might include classes in marketing, consumer behavior, market research, sales, communication methods and technology, visual arts, art history, and photography.
Most marketing managers have a bachelor’s degree. Courses in business law, management, economics, accounting, finance, mathematics, and statistics are advantageous. In addition, completing an internship while in school is highly recommended and is something you can include on your resume to increase your chances with getting a job.
The average annual wage of advertising and promotions managers was $83,890 in May 2010, while the top 10% earned more than $166,400. The average annual wage for marketing managers was $112,800 in May 2010, while the the top 10% earned more than $166,400.