Computer Support Specialist Classes
Computer Support Specialists help people use computers. When something goes wrong, they assist people or organizations on how to fix it, or fix it themselves. If you are interested in more information in a career as a Computer Support Specialist, simply choose a school below and request information on financial aid, tuition costs, course offerings, and much more.

Is a Career as a Computer Support Specialist Right For Me?
Computer Support Specialists typically do the following:
- Evaluate and test existing network systems
- Ensure that networks operate properly by performing regular maintenance
- Troubleshoot WANs (wide area networks), LANs (local area networks), and Internet systems.
If you are thinking about a career as a computer support specialist then you are in luck. The job outlook for the employment of computer support specialists is expected to grow 18% by the year 2020. A career as a Computer Support Specialist pays at an average of $46,260, as reported by the Bureau of Labor Statistics, and caps out over $80,000. If you are interested in more information on a career as a computer support specialist simply choose a school below and request information on financial aid, tuition costs, course offerings, and much more.

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