Computer Systems Analyst Classes
A computer systems analyst merges the fields of IT and Business into one. They evaluate computer systems, software and procedures to determine if they are being preformed to the most logical and beneficial way for an organization. They will then work with organization’s business leaders to make recommendations on how to improve upon an organization’s current system or developing a new one to meet the organizations’ needs.
If you are interested in more information on a career as a Computer Systems Analyst simply choose a school below and request information on financial aid, tuition costs, course offerings, and much more.

Is A Career as a Computer Systems Analyst Right For Me?
If you are looking for a stable job outlook, you’re in luck! Employment for a career as a computer systems analyst is expected to rise 22% by the year 2020. This rate is above the average job growth in other fields.
A Computer Systems Analyst career pays an annual salary of $77,740, as reported by the Bureau of Labor Statistics. The lowest 10% earned less than $48,360, and the top 10% earned more than $119,070.
A bachelor’s degree in a computer-related field is common, although not necessarily a requirement. Because computer systems analysts are also heavily involved in the business side of a company, some firms hire analysts with business or liberal arts degrees who know how to write computer programs.
If you are interested in more information on a career as a Computer Systems Analyst, simply choose a school below and request information on financial aid, tuition costs, course offerings, and much more.

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