Interview Questions
Failure is often one of the many emotions we have when it comes to being interviewed for a job. It is that emotion, that in addition to preparing yourself physically, you need to prepare yourself mentally for.You are not going to know the exact questions an employer/interviewer is going to ask you, but if you have a good, solid foundation of knowledge of what might be expected, you will allow some of the stress and fear to layer off of you. Practicing with others or aloud will allow you to get into a more comfortable state of mind.
The following hypothetical questions will allow you to ponder on what general questions may be asked of you in the interviewing process. Use these as a starting point to get you at a comfortable level about talking about yourself and your accomplishments and possible weaknesses that you have obtained throughout your working career.
1. Tell me about yourself.
This is where you have the chance to brag on yourself and the accomplishments that you have achieved throughout your life. Don’t go overboard in naming every specific award or accomplishment that you have received, but go over the most significant achievements that may highlight your working career.
2. Why would you be a good fit for this company?
This is a question where you will highlight your strong points and assets that may land you the position. If you are stronger at a particular skill, then put the effort and focus into explaining that good quality.
3. What could you bring to the table for this company?
Be honest in your response. There really is no wrong answer if you tell them what you WANT to be able to achieve from this opportunity. If you explain the skills that you have acknowledged and have built up, also explain what and how you will use them to benefit the company in the long run. Have some particular skills already in mind before going in.
4.What is your biggest weakness?
Don’t be afraid to admit any weaknesses that you think you have. If it is team building, explain that this particular area is something that you do not possess strong skills in, but also explain that it is something that you will work very hard to overcome and getting better at. Everyone has weaknesses, and it is better to let the employer know up front, so that you two can work on getting them in order.
5. What is your greatest strength?
This is where you get to have more bragging time about yourself and the set of particular skills that you have gained great accomplishments in. Let the employer know certain situations where your strengths have benefited a company you have worked for.