Areas of Study
Photography Classes, Writing Classes
Accounting Classes, Advertising, Promotions, and Marketing Classes, Finance Classes, Human Resources Management Classes, Real Estate Classes
Computers & IT
Information Technology (IT) Classes, Computer and Information Research Scientist Classes, Computer Hardware Engineer Classes, Computer Programming Classes, Computer Support Specialist Classes, Computer Systems Analyst Classes, Database Administrator Classes, Information Security Analysts, Web Developers, and Computer Network Architect Classes, Web Design Classes
Career Training
Bartending Classes, Chef and Head Cook Classes, Cook Classes, Cosmetology Classes, Food and Beverage Serving Classes, Food Preparation Classes, Military Career Classes, Waiter and Waitress Classes
Criminal Justice & Legal
Criminal Justice Classes
Education Classes
Aerospace Engineering Classes, Architectural and Engineering Managers, Biomedical Engineering Classes, Chemical Engineering Classes, Civil Engineering Classes, Computer Hardware Engineer Classes, Mechanical Engineering Classes
Dental Assistants, Healthcare Management Classes, Mental Health Counselors, Massage Therapy Classes, Psychology Classes, Pharmacy Classes, Pharmacy Technician Classes, Radiation Therapy Classes, Radiologic Technologists, Registered Nursing Classes
Acting Classes, Dancer and Choreographer Classes, Fashion Design Classes, Music Director and Composer Classes, Producer and Director Classes, Sewing Classes, Singing and Musician Classes
Math & Sciences
Math Classes
CNA Classes, EMT Classes
Coaches and Scouts Classes, Fitness Trainers and Instructors, Professional Athletes and Sports Competitor Classes, Umpire, Referee, and Sports Official Classes

Online education provides more flexibility than ever before. Read more about why it may or may not be right for you.
There are a lot of questions to ask while deciding the best way to continue your education. Search Schools to narrow down your choices. We made it easy for you to browse schools by the most specific criteria you may have.
Benefits are available to service men and women in the U.S. Military. Learn more about these options including the GI Bill. Thousands have been able to further their education. There are options available not only to soldiers but some family members as well.
Finding the right job can be a very time consuming and tedious process. You don’t have time for that. You need a job NOW! In this section we have put together some hot topics of information that will speed up your search and have you working in no time.
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Different levels of education and what statistics say about how they can impact your salary. According to the U.S. Census report, stepping up your education can step up your salary! Going from just a high school diploma to an associates degree raises the average mean income by over $15,000! is your one stop source for your education needs. Find an online school, online course or class to further your career or start your education. Browse the site and learn about getting your degree. If you’re looking for a good place to start Getting Started will point you in the right direction.